
The Myth of Protecting Applicants: Good Candidates Strive for Challenges to Demonstrate Their Strengths

The Myth of Protecting Applicants: Good Candidates Strive for Challenges to Demonstrate Their Strengths

In today’s world, where companies are increasingly looking for qualified employees, it is crucial to identify and approach the best candidates. A common myth is that candidates should be spared during the selection process so as not to scare them away. But is this approach really effective? Scientific research shows us a different perspective: a transparent selection process based on tests and standardised selection tools leads to higher acceptance among applicants.

In the past, application procedures were often shaped by subjective assessments and personal preferences. But this approach can lead to a significant lack of objectivity and transparency, which in turn affects the credibility of the selection process. Good applicants want to prove themselves in a fair competition and expect an objective process that accurately evaluates their skills and potential.

This is where standardised selection tools come into play. These instruments, such as structured interviews, personality tests or technical tasks, have been developed to improve the predictive power of the selection process and to ensure that the evaluation of applicants is as objective as possible. Through their standardised implementation, they enable a comparable assessment of all candidates and reduce the risk of bias due to personal preferences or biased assessments.

Another important aspect is the transparency of the selection process. Applicants want to understand how the process works and how their skills are assessed. When companies give applicants insight into the selection process and provide them with clear criteria and expectations, they create a basis of trust and signal that the selection process is fair and objective. This leads to higher acceptance on the part of applicants and can even increase the interest of potential candidates.

It is important to note that a transparent selection process does not mean that applicants should be subjected to unnecessary pressure or undue stress. Rather, it is about ensuring clear communication and openness to allow applicants to show their potential to the best of their ability. By providing resources and information to help applicants prepare adequately, companies can ensure that all candidates have equal opportunities and can give their best.